"Revival is in the Land"THAT I WILL POUR OUT MY SPIRIT..." - Joel 2:28 Most of us old timers have heard mighty men of God preach this from the prophet Joel since were "knee-high to a grasshopper"! And, praise God, we HAVE SEEN some awesome moves of the Holy Spirit through this century since the great Azusa Street Revival at the turn of this century. But multitudes are now witness to anotherMIGHTY MOVE of GOD to this generation, all PRAISE to His wonderful name! The prophet Joel promised us the FORMER, and the LATTER rain. The apostle Peter made it clear that Pentecost (Acts 2:4) was the former rain. Now, nearly two thousand years later, many believe we are witnessing the glorious beginning of the LATTER RAIN! Praise the Lord! The first evidence to many of us was the great stirring of the Spirit in Toronto, Canada, about two years ago. Then, spontaneous revival broke out in Pensacola, Florida. Hungry souls sometimes wait in line all day just to get into the services at Brownsville Assembly of God Church. Signs, wonders and miracles, just like the Book of Acts, are happening there and many other places at home and abroad! It began for TBN as we went to Houston in March to help our affiliate station, CET Channel 14, conduct a Praise-A-Thon. On the last night, the glory of God fell in our TV studio just like the early days of Pentecost. Suddenly, an elderly man in a wheelchair, with oxygen tubes in his nose, leaped from the wheelchair and shouted - "I'm healed!" Dr. Cherry ran to his side and examined him, brought him to the platform, and the testimony poured out: his lungs destroyed with emphysema, heart trouble, pale and weak, confined to the wheelchair for several years, and now he was breathing normally, and leaping and shouting for joy! His dear wife stood there weeping her thanks and praise to God! The receptionist at the station had a blinded eye opened after unsuccessful surgery! Several other miracles occurred that night as Mike Purkey, James Payne, Walt Mills, Del Way, and Steve Brock and I ministered under a mighty anointing. (PICTURE CAPTION: DOTTIE RAMBO - standing strong, even in her high heels, is a living testimony of the healing POWER of Jesus TODAY! Dottie proclaimed, "I'm BACK...in full-time ministry!" The anointing was powerful on all of us that night - Dottie Rambo, the McKameys, Mike Purkey, Dean & Mary Brown, Dwight Thompson, Bill & Renee Morris and the Trinity Music City Mass Choir - all of us! We are SEEING the GLORY of God EXPLODE over the airwaves, from Trinity Music City USA, to the whole wide WORLD!) The next month, in April, God gave us the greatest Praise-A-Thon in the history of TBN. Many saw angels in the TV studio as Jay and Maralee Jones, R. W. Schambach and the daytime ministers saw the glory of God fall as never before. The final Friday night, the glory continued, as calls came in from TV viewers that they ACTUALLY SAW angels standing with us on the set while we sang praises to the Lord! But all of this was just the beginning of OUR LATTER RAIN! In May, Jan and company at Trinity Music City USA, in Tennessee, began a whole new concept for our Praise The Lord program. A volunteer choir began each service with praise and worship, followed with no programmed agenda. Night by night - suddenly, from Heaven, would come the mighty rushing wind of the precious Holy Spirit! Manifestations of the Spirit in salvation, healing, and the glorious baptism of the Holy Spirit occurred. The preaching of the Word came with a new energy and power we have not seen or experienced before. I had been consumed with many legal problems during May, proof that the evil one was alarmed! But by early June, I was able to join Jan in Tennessee to witness firsthand what is, now, unmistakably, a sovereign move of the Holy Spirit. One night, the Lord touched Mike Purkey after singing, "THIS IS A JOB FOR THE HOLY GHOST"! The crowd, which, by the way, is growing awesomely each night, stood to their feet and asked Mike to "SING IT AGAIN!" He did, and the Glory fell! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! (PICTURE CAPTION: Night by night - the altar area is being filled to OVERFLOWING! Great ministers of the Gospel, like DR. ORAL ROBERTS, are moving with a new energy and power, as we witness this move of the Holy Spirit GROWING and INTENSIFYING! It can only mean one thing...God is in a HURRY! The time is short - we must move QUICKLY!) Ah, dear Partners, Revival is not coming - IT IS HERE NOW! Thank you, Jesus! When the song ended the second time, we asked all who wanted their Acts 2:4 Holy Spirit baptism to come forward. The altar area filled to overflowing, and Mike and Jan had to move up and down the aisles as precious souls were overwhelmed with the precious Holy Spirit, and many spoke praises to God in a new heavenly tongue! I watched with wonder and awe - one older gentleman, especially. His face literally glowed with the glory of God as tears streamed down his face. Oh, Glory to God, I had not seen a move of the Holy Spirit like this for years! Praise God, let's all pray that this great promise of God though His prophet Joel will grow and intensify, till it touches the WHOLE WIDE WORLD! "YOUR SONS AND YOUR DAUGHTERS SHALL PROPHESY, YOUR OLD MEN SHALL DREAM DREAMS, YOUR YOUNG MEN SHALL SEE VISIONS." Joel 2:28 But the best, and most glorious part is yet to come! God does not give us these great visitations just to make us feel good or to give us Holy Ghost goose bumps! No, a thousand times, NO! God wants us to show HIS GLORY to a lost, on-their-way-to-hell World,and show that there is deliverance from the works of the devil! Listen up - while we rejoice to see this great move and refreshing rain of the Spirit, there are some awesome days of judgment just ahead! Hear the prophet Haggai: "THUS SAITH THE LORD...YET ONCE, IT IS A LITTLE WHILE, AND I WILL SHAKE THE HEAVENS, AND THE EARTH, AND THE SEA, AND THE DRY LAND." Haggai 2:6 And don't think our own blessed America will escape: "AND I WILL SHAKE ALL NATIONS, AND THE DESIRE OF ALL NATIONS SHALL COME..." Hag.2:7 The prophet Joel makes it even more ominous, as he writes: "I WILL SHOW WONDERS IN THE HEAVENS AND IN THE EARTH, BLOOD, AND FIRE, AND PILLARS OF SMOKE. THE SUN SHALL BE TURNED INTO DARKNESS, AND THE MOON INTO BLOOD, BEFORE THE GREAT AND THE TERRIBLE DAY OF THE LORD COME." Joel 2:30, 31 But then the GOOD NEWS, the BEST NEWS - the reason God gave us TBN, the reason God has given us TV Stations, Satellites, Holy Beamers, Radio, V. R. Theatres, the Internet and computers - Glory! I'm getting HAPPY AGAIN - God gave us all of these great tools, this GREAT VOICE, so that: "AND IT SHALL COME TO PASS, THAT WHOSOEVER SHALL CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD SHALL BE DELIVERED." Joel 2:32 Ah, dear Partners, can you see why God has called this TBN ARMY together in these last days? YOU and I are HIS VOICE to this dying generation! Help Jan and me - all of us- to cry out -HELLO WORLD! There is hope; there is help; there is deliverance; there is SALVATION! Praise God, it is still - "WHOSOEVER WILL...Come and drink of the water of life freely." Rev. 22:17 Dear Partners, Jan and I love you, need you, and depend on you, now, more than ever! TBN is even now facing the most serious challenge in its 24-year history. By the time you read this, you may know much more of what we face together, if this great Voice is to continue - "crying in the wilderness." Pleaselet us hear from you this month! The future of Christian Television, as we have known and loved it, is in the balance! Oh God - let Your Spirit fall upon All Flesh! P.S. Many of you will want to plan your summer vacation in Nashville to attend the great revival services at Trinity Music City USA. The address is: One Music Village Blvd., Hendersonville, TN 37075. For more information, Call: (615) 622-8333. |