Munroe Myles
Munroe teaches that God needs our permission to work on earth. He
also teaches that angels need our permission as well to do their jobs.For
example, he teaches that God sought Abraham for permission to destroy Sodom
and Gomorrah. In their make believe interaction according to Myles
Munroe, God told Abraham, "You got it!
You're the man! Once you're satisfied and give me permission I will
is absurd to think that an Almighty and Sovereign God needs our permission
to act in His universe! Think about it my friend, is this not the
height of arrogance? What does the bible have to say about the sovereign
plan of God and the vain efforts of man that try to subvert it?"And
all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing:
and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven,
and among the inhabitants of the earth: and
none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What
doest thou?" Daniel 4:35, see also Isaiah 43:3, Psalm 115:3, 135:6.
Whom will you believe, God or Myles Munroe?
Hinn made the following endorsements after these incredibly blasphemous
statements by Myles Munroe: "Man! That
is absolutely awesome! Dear God!...That's
incredible! That's incredible! Wow!...Wow!
Wow! Wow!...This
is so amazing!...Are
you getting blessed like I am, dear Jesus." Myles
Munroe: "That's
why angel's need our permission to function. It says they are here
to do our bidding. They
can't even act without our permission, you see.
But, here's the bigger statement: Even God
Himself is illegal on earth. Why?
Because, He is a spirit and the law He set up by His own mouth was that
only spirits with bodies can function on earth legally."(Myles
Munroe, "This Is Your Day," Benny Hinn, July 12, 2004) "Why
can't God take care of Pharaoh by Himself? Why can't God invade that
government and disrupt that process and set them free by Himself?
He is illegal.
So God then has to get the attention of a human first. Then
spend hours, maybe even days trying to convince this one human to work
with Him. Moses came up with every single
excuse he could find and gave them. And Almighty God tolerated him,
saying, 'Look, if you can't talk, I will speak for you. If you got
problems, I'll solve them for you. If you're afraid, I'll give you
courage. In other words, whatever you
need, please work with me! Cause
I want to do something. Give me your
Munroe, "This Is Your Day," Benny Hinn, July 13, 2004) "So,
even though God can do anything, He can only do what you permit Him to
do. If you study the Word of God, you
will see why it makes so much sense. For
example, God has done nothing on earth without a human co-operating with
Him. He had to find a human. When
God for example wanted to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah...Go ahead and destroy
it! No! He [God] was illegal. He
had to find a human to give Him access and ageement to release His power.
So, then God had to negotiate with a man in
Abraham. They argued for a long time!...Abraham
figured it out. Abraham said, 'Ahh, Haa! Okay, so I'll tell
you what! Before I give you permission [Abraham gives God permission!]
to touch that city, if I could find 50 men, 40, 30, 10.' He said,
'I'm dealing, and God had to deal with a man.' And he said, 'If I
could only find one.' God says, 'You got it!
You're the man! Once you're satisfied and give me permission I will
Munroe, "This Is Your Day," Benny Hinn, July 12, 2004) "When
you study Moses or any human that has been successful with God, you
will find this dependency God has on humanity.
God says, 'Moses, quickly agree with me.
Because your brother, your nephew is on the way. We
got to get this work done. I
need a human to agree.' As
soon as Moses agrees with God, God says, 'Okay, let's Go.'"(Myles
Munroe, "This Is Your Day," Benny Hinn, July 13, 2004) "Let
me define prayer for you in this show. Prayer
is man giving God permission or license to interfere in earth's affairs.
In other words, prayer is earthly license
for heavenly interference."(Myles
Munroe, "This Is Your Day," Benny Hinn, July 12, 2004) "Heaven
depends on earth for interference. If
He [God] could just find two people like you [Benny Hinn] and I to agree.
We agree for God to do this thing. Then
God says, 'Thank you very much for permission!'
Then He [God] can come."(Myles
Munroe, "This Is Your Day," Benny Hinn, July 13, 2004) "Our
prayer is a strange experience. We normally ask God to do things,
God is telling us to command Him permission
to do it for us."(Myles
Munroe, "This Is Your Day," Benny Hinn, July 13, 2004) "God
could do nothing on earth, nothing has God ever done on earth without a
human giving Him access."(Myles
Munroe, "This Is Your Day," Benny Hinn, July 12, 2004) "He
[God] could not name those animals because He [God] is illegal."(Myles
Munroe, "This Is Your Day," Benny Hinn, July 13, 2004) "O'
Lord, heal this man. God says, 'No!
No! No! Talk to the sickness, I am already healing the guy.
What I need is permission to get the healing on earth.'"(Myles
Munroe, "This Is Your Day," Benny Hinn, July 13, 2004) Myles
Munroe: "Jesus was necessary for Christ."Benny
Hinn: "Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! Pastor, slow
down. What you mean is."Myles
Munroe: "Jesus made Christ legal on the earth.
Jesus was the body."Benny
Hinn: "Has he always been this deep
here? It's amazing what he's saying.
So, So, repeat that."Myles
Munroe: "Christ is God's Spirit, that's
why Christ needed a body to come to earth legally."(Myles
Munroe, "This Is Your Day," Benny Hinn, July 13, 2004) "Every
sick person is already healed. That's
why you don't really have to lay hands on a million of people in India
to heal them. You don't have to, they are already healed. What
God's problem is, is getting the healing to earth."(Myles
Munroe, "This Is Your Day," Benny Hinn, July 13, 2004) "When
a human gets healed and becomes well again, God Himself is able to stay
here legally longer."(Myles
Munroe, "This Is Your Day," Benny Hinn, July 13, 2004) "Every
spirit is trying to find a body. Can I give you another shocker?
[Benny Hinn: You bet!] Even the Holy
Spirit, because He cannot function here without a body.
That's why your called the body of Christ. And it says our bodies
are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Cause
He Himself needs to be legal to function."(Myles
Munroe, "This Is Your Day," Benny Hinn, July 13, 2004) "In
other words, Moses had to initiate the action for God to produce the product."(Myles
Munroe, "This Is Your Day," Benny Hinn, July 13, 2004) "God
says, 'If my people,' now if means, 'I would
like to fix this, but I can't fix this without a human giving me permission.'"(Myles
Munroe, "This Is Your Day," Benny Hinn, July 13, 2004) "Interfering
in earth by God is totally up to us...Heaven
is waiting on earth to get things done."(Myles
Munroe, "This Is Your Day," Benny Hinn, July 13, 2004) "What
is faith? Faith is believing in what you said, that God told you.
In other words, the fight is to keep believing
after you said something."(Myles
Munroe, "This Is Your Day," Benny Hinn, July 12, 2004) "That's
why your [Benny Hinn] healing ministry is necessary. God
could heal people by Himself as a spirit with power.
But it's illegal to do it on earth.
So, He needs a human agency.
What does laying your hands on a human to do with healing? Well,
really nothing. We touch you you all the time but your sick.
What He's looking for is permission!
The power to heal is always present, but having
permission to heal is held up by humanity and their lack of faith."(Myles
Munroe, "This Is Your Day," Benny Hinn, July 12, 2004) "God
made a promise to Satan, I paraphrase again, I believe God said it this
way in my spirit. He said, 'Satan, you
know I can't come in right now because I'm a spirit.
And if I came in now as a spirit I would violate
my Word, break my Word, and I would never
be able to be trusted again with my Word. But, I'll make a promise,
and the promise is: the same woman that you used to destroy my program
on earth for humanity. I'm going to use the same woman and I'm going
to put my seed in her womb and she'll build around me a physical dirt body.
And I will become legal in the earth.
And then legal, I will then come in legally and crush your authority legally."(Myles
Munroe, "This Is Your Day," Benny Hinn, July 12, 2004) "Satan
himself knew that in order for him to fuction on this earth that he needed
a body also. That's
why he had to go to the serpent which had a dirt body and negotiated with
the serpent to borrow his body for awhile.
And he did, and that's why God cursed the
serpent cause the serpent literally loaned his body to the Adversary,
who's a spirit, in order to do buisness legally
with Eve."(Myles
Munroe, "This Is Your Day," Benny Hinn, July 12, 2004) "It
bothered me, I'm sure it bothered you [Benny Hinn] for years as a pastor.
If God is so mighty, powerful, awesome, omnipotent,
omniscient, why couldn't this mighty God who made 500 million planets and
galaxies couldn't stop a skinny little woman from picking the fruit and
destroying His whole program? I mean,
God aren't you powerful? You could intervene, you can destroy the
works of the devil, prevent the woman and save humanity. But
He couldn't! Not that He didn't, He
Munroe, "This Is Your Day," Benny Hinn, July 12, 2004)