Saturate 2020
by Sandy Simpson
Saturate 2020 is another in a long line of Latter Rain revivals which do not meet the criteria of a Biblical revival at all (Acts 3:19). The Toronto “Blessing” and Brownsville “Revival” both came into towns all over the world with the promise that people were getting saved and nothing weird was going on at their meetings. This was always a lie as the true Gospel was not preached but instead people were invited forward to have hands laid on them in order to transfer an impartation. Meanwhile false doctrines were laid down in order to get people involved in churches like Bethel Church in Redding, CA. We are warned in Scripture about this.
Galatians 2:4 But it was because of the false
brethren secretly brought in, who had sneaked in to spy out our
liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, in
order to bring us into bondage.
2 Peter 2:1 But false prophets also arose among the
people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will
secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master
who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves.
The fact that some formerly Biblical churches have joined this circus is a testament to their lack of teaching discernment. Some of these denominations were warned repeatedly about the Latter Rain, Word of Faith and the New Apostolic Reformation yet they apparently wanted to remain “willfully ignorant”. The people advertised as being involved with this latest “revival” are almost all associated with Bethel in some way and promoters of what they teach. This is not a true Biblical revival but rather a revival of the occult and New Age among Christians. This meeting is actually hurting the cause of Christ and will not have any real beneficial effect on the culture of California, which has turned decidedly evil for decades. These Dominionists will not be saving the planet, but are rather setting people up for the coming antichrist. Nor will they rid the world of coronavirus, but rather likely add to it. You can learn more about Bethel’s methods and practices in a video series I produced on their “Holy Ghost Reborn” film on the RTN TV/ACT TV site:
Holy Ghost Ignored Part 1:
Holy Ghost Ignored Part 2:
Holy Ghost Ignored Part 3:
Following is a partial list of the speakers.
Heidi Baker, Iris
Global Ministries
From her web site: Our
approach to sickness and health allows us to use both supernatural and natural
prescriptions. When an ill person is en-countered on
outreach or through one of our 8 Health Centers we always pray for them knowing
God is our healer and His miracles point people to Him. Iris has seen
thousands of people miraculously healed with deaf ears being opened, blind eyes
seeing, malaria vanishing, and more.
Where is the medical proof that thousands have been healed? As usual there is none, just grandiose statements. Will they keep the youth who attend this event from getting Covid-19?
Friends in Ministry ( Bethel Church in Redding, qHop in Canada (with ties to IHOP), Convergence, Frontline Ministries and other New Apostolic organizations are listed.
Heidi and Roland Baker are listed as missionaries of Bethel Church (
Video of Baker trying to zap a baby bottle with the transferable impartation. (
Baker doing impartation that is clearly demonic (
She has another false conversion story seeing Jesus in a
vision, similar to Doreen Virtue. In her testimony she shares how Jesus told
her in a vision to look into his eyes and said, “I died so that there will
always be enough.” The he ripped off a part of his flesh from the side of his
bruised and broken body, and handed it to her, telling her to give his flesh to
the children. When she took the piece of raw flesh from Jesus’ hand, it
immediately turned to bread. And then Jesus held simple-looking cup to his
side, and blood and water flowed from his side, into the cup. Jesus said to
her, “This is a cup of suffering and joy. Will you drink it?” And then she gave
the cup to thousands of children, from which they all drank.
This alleged vision
sounds remarkably like the abomination known as the Roman Catholic Mass. It is
no surprise that Baker would articulate a vision so blasphemous. After all the
New Apostolic Reformation, as well as other camps within the Charismania circle,
court the apostate Roman Catholic Church and erroneously see the Roman Catholic
false religion as compatible with Christianity ( Her vision is on this clip (
This is a
detailed analysis of Heidi Baker's prophecy "to America" from one of
her recent trips to Bill Johnson's Bethel Church in Redding, California.
Specifically she speaks of God speaking via the voice of an eagle, and how God
wants to give people the eyes of eagles. (
Another failed dead raising story from
Bethel. Despite the fact Olive has yet to
wake up, many in the Bethel community have continued to try and invoke the
supernatural. At the weekend, famed missionary Heidi Baker made an appearance
at Bethel’s Sunday service, offering her own comments on the situation. “The
world may mock, and people may think we’re a little bit crazy. But the second I
stepped in here I said ‘I’m home because there are hundreds of people
worshipping God right now, declaring his resurrection power,'” Baker said. “I’m
just so grateful to be a part of this.” (
Baker imparting demons. Notice how she uses repetitive phrases combined with repetitive music to put people into a trance-like state. Phrases like “receive the anointing”, “ten times”, “giving away” are repeated endlessly, this is right out of the cult’s playbook. In the middle of her demonic, psychic ramblings, she easily slips in admonitions for the people to “be generous with their gifts”, meaning to empty your wallet in the plate when it comes around. This woman is not just crazy, she is demon possessed. At one point she starts repeating the word “legacy” over and over again while directing her worshippers to “put crowns on people’s head” and to “impart the anointing”. This is what it looks like when the Devil is in the Church. Watch the video and see people writhing in pain on the floor, screaming out in pain, this is what passes for a “church service” in the New Apostolic Movement”. ( She tends to go after college students, teens and young children with her impartations. This is one of the more disturbing aspects of what she and many other Third Wavers do. But then Bethel has always been focused on young people.
Michael Brown, formerly of Brownsville “Revival” recommends Bakers book “Birthing the Miraculous”. (
Shawn Bolz
He is author of books such as Breakthrough: Prophecies, Prayers & Declarations, Translating God: Hearing God's Voice For Yourself And The World Around You, Keys to Heaven's Economy, Modern Prophets: A Toolkit for Everyone on Hearing God's Voice and others. He is obviously heavily into the Latter Rain and Word of Faith. That anyone from a Biblical church would listen to this guy is a wonder to me.
Bolz prophesied five months ago concerning the coronoavirus: "I just felt like the tide is turning shortly -- whether it's two weeks or two months -- God cares about this," Bolz explained. "He's answering prayer and I saw two vaccines coming. I think one will come from Israel and another from an Asian nation, and they're going to hit pretty quickly." ( Of course vaccines are being worked on but it has been five months and we still have not been clear of Covid-19, not the 2 weeks or 2 months he prophesied. This guy who purports to teach people how to hear God’s voice apparently hasn’t read his own books.
Of course Shawn has been to Bethel many times and they carry 13 of his books. (
"We are all, as humanity, wired to hear from God – both people who know Jesus and don’t know Jesus," Bolz said, citing the book of Daniel as an example. "A lot of the way we hear him is through symbols, signs, and dreams, but we can hear him in so many different ways." ( The Bible is clear that we are not to use divination to hear from God. (Dt. 18:10)
Bolz is one of these modern Latter Rain prophets who is not a prophet at all. He reads the news and parrots it back like it is a revelation from God. He admits he gets it wrong. Any true Biblical prophet who claims God is telling him things would have to be 100% correct because God is TRUTH, unless he is not hearing from God at all.
Jeremiah 14:14 Then the Lord said to me, “The prophets
are prophesying falsehood in My name. I have neither
sent them nor commanded them nor spoken to them; they are prophesying to you a false vision, divination, futility and
the deception of their own minds.
Parker & Jessi
Their organization is called Salt Churches. Jessi, cleavage prominent, teaches a series on YouTube about how to hear from God. She is not talking about studying the written Word and allowing the Holy Spirit to teach you, but how to hear from God directly, also through omens, signs, divinations, etc. (
They had a vision of a California beach revival where thousands would be saved. The fact that they are baptizing people who have not really heard the Gospel does not prove this is a real revival. ( Of course you may notice that these glowing reports are on CBN, a Latter Rain/Word of Faith network for decades.
Among the churches and ministries that have partnered with Saturate OC are Greg Laurie’s Harvest Church and Rockharbor Church. (
Jessi Green says
the gatherings have encountered some pushback. She told the crowd that someone
told her gathering people to worship outside is “inconsiderate” in light of the
pandemic going on. Then she went on to compare wearing a mask with Moses
covering his face with a veil after he had seen God. She made this comparison
implicitly while reading from 2 Corinthians 3:12-17,
placing a handkerchief over her mouth as she read the words “who would put a
veil over his face”: Therefore,
since we have such a hope, we are very bold. We are not like Moses, who would
put a veil over his face to prevent the Israelites from seeing the end of what
was passing away. But their minds were made dull, for to this day the same veil
remains when the old covenant is read. It has not been removed, because only in
Christ is it taken away. Even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers
their hearts. But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is
freedom. (
Talk about a misapplication of this teaching in the Bible! While disobeying government guidelines for stopping the spread of coronavirus, she makes an excuse by comparing what they are doing to Moses when they are two different issues. Romans 13:1 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. You cannot pick and choose which verses you will obey and which you will not, and misinterpreting Scripture is a hallmark of these people. It is not helping the cause of Christ to disobey the Lord.
Bob Fulton
Bob obviously buys into the false ideas of Don Richardson regarding cultures. As “missionaries” we shouldn’t see ourselves as taking something new from our “enlightened” countries into darkened ones. God hasn’t favoured us Western countries with his revelation; on the contrary, he is at work all around the world. The writer of Ecclesiastes says, “He has also set eternity in the hearts of men”; God prepares people to receive the gospel. When we journey to any nation under the sun, it is our job to connect to the Father’s work; like Jesus, “we can only do what (we) see His Father doing.” So the Vineyard isn’t a new product or formula we want to sell to others. ( This goes along with the accusations made by YWAM and the World Christian Gathering on Indigenous People that the missionaries “brought a foreign god”. But that is exactly what the Bible teaches because the Gentiles did not and do not know God unless the Gospel is preached to them.
Ephesians 2:12 remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded
from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to
the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world.
Romans 10:14 How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How
will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without
a preacher?
This is the false narrative of Fuller which was spread around the world by people like Don Richardson, and is now the cornerstone of the WCGIP Movement. I wrote a book on this subject with Mike Oppenheimer called “Idolatry in their hearts”. Fulton is advocating a false missiology which is very damaging to heathen cultures. True believers are a branch off of Israel and Jesus was a Jew.
I could go much deeper into Fulton from the perspective of Fuller, Wimber and Wagner but suffice it to say his ideas fit nicely into those of Bethel as he was part of the original team that spawned the Latter Rain Toronto “Blessing” movement and everything that came from that, which includes Bethel.
Joel Ramsey
Joel was actually an employee of Bethel. (
Joel has produced videos entitled “When Heaven Invades Earth” a popular theme at Bethel. ( His ministry is called “Awaken Africa”. Awaken Africa was founded by Joel Ramsey and Evan Cockcroft in 2018 and is committed to the restoration and reformation of Africa through the good gospel of Jesus Christ. With a staff now of seven (six of which operate on a volunteer basis) Awaken Africa has grown significantly in its influence and progress of accomplishing its vision. Since starting in March of 2018, over 7,500 people have made a personal decision to make Jesus their Lord and Saviour throughout Africa and other nations of the world. More than 1,500 people have been healed from various ailments (blind eyes, deaf ears, tumours, cancer, wheelchairs, broken bones, metal rods and bolts, back injuries, arthritis, muteness, blood diseases, flus and many more). And, more than 500 people have been liberated from demonic oppression and possession. Awaken Africa has formed strong bonds with a number of local and international churches and other ministry organisations with which they work closely to host their events, missions trips and outreaches. These partnerships also provided a place in which Awaken Africa is able to direct new converts (made by their evangelical efforts) back into the local church to be properly discipled. Awaken Africa is fundamentally different because of its strong decentralised approach to ministry. As much as possible people are equipped, empowered and released to minister the gospel at their events and in their personal lives. Again we have big claims of healings and deliverance without any proof.
They run a SCHOOL OF SUPERNATURAL MISSIONS & EVANGELISM. ( They also run “Holy Spirit Nights” all over the place with the help of musicians from Bethel.
Jen Miskov
Supposedly a “revival historian” with a PhD. though she looks like she is in her mid-twenties.
She lectures at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. One of her courses is to allegedly free people from PTSD through dance. ( She also teaches how to release the gift of tongues with Heidi Baker. (
She gives a “Walking on Water” e-course on the Bethel site. (
Sean Feucht
Bethel Music's Sean Feucht told Fox News that the movement reminds him of the Jesus People Movement from the 60s and 70s. ( This is why Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa got involved because this event was meant to remind people of the true revival of Chuck Smith in the early days of Calvary Chapel. Bethelites are famous for glomming on to true revivals amd churches and true Christians in order to worm their way in.
2 Tim 3:6 For among them are those who enter into households and captivate weak women weighed down with sins, led on by various impulses,
He announced that he is running for congress. ( Apparently CBN thinks this is a good idea.
He is a Dominionist. His song “Till the whole Earth looks like heaven” states:
Unleash the sound
Break every wall
We sing your name
Injustice will bow to you
Your Spirit is moving
Release the song
For this is the place
Where slaves go free
Our chains we have left for good
This is our freedom
We won't stop
Stop singing
Till the whole earth looks like Heaven
We raise a shout
To silence the fear
You'll have your way
As Heaven comes rushing in
Your presence is with us
Your kingdom come
On this earth as it is in Heaven
Your will be done Father
This is our cry
This is our anthem
True believers are to continue the Great Commission. People get saved and are born again, changed from the inside out, thus establishing the spiritual Kingdom. But the physical Kingdom does not come till Jesus returns. Until then we will see apostasy in the churches, the rise of the Antichrist, the Tribulation, and finally the wrath of God.
This is also a restatement of the idea of a sound coming that will change people’s lives from Bill Johnson’s book “the Physics of Heaven”. ( This idea is purely New Age and, in fact, was stated in a similar way by the late Benjamin Crème supposedly channeling Maitreya.
This is nothing more than more of the same heresy from Bethel. We are warned to stay away from those who promote a different Gospel (one without explanation of sin and repentance), another spirit (one who can be transferred from person to person and causes people to go into trance states) and another jesus (the jesus who doesn’t care if you obey His Word).
2 Corinthians 11:4 For if one comes and preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted, you bear this beautifully.
It looks like the OC churches involved in this Bethel production bear this kind of thing beautifully.