Repsonse To A Critique of Experiencing God: A Biblical Analysis of the Popular Book by Henry T. Blackaby and Claude V. King by Rev. Gil Rugh and the Pastoral Staff of Indian Hills Community Church

Dear DITC,

I am forwarding response from Henry Blackaby's ministry to you regarding the article on your website by Gil Rugh "A Critique of Experiencing God".  I have not heard from pastor Rugh, but hope too soon, if not, I will send him another e-mail as a gentle reminder and request a response.  I find the Bible study booklet on "Experiencing God" to be so helpful to people that are earnest in their pilgrimage. But I will take caution to strongly point people to God's Word first as our source for faith, practice & experience in the walk with God.  I will also be careful not to praise the course material and Henry Blackaby over the praise that is solely due to God... as I believe Henry Blackaby does himself.  I will also be careful and aware of your counsel on "doorway" studies to third wave and encourage folks in the Experiencing God study to seek the Lord in His Word first, and not to seek an emotion or feeling claiming that to be the experience with God.

Thank you for communicating with me on this, and thank you for your website... it has been a real help to me personally to work through some very deep wounds by people and a church I helped to build, nurture and love over 25 years... but could
not keep from going after "Third Wave"  doctrine & practice.  My wife and I are discipling people in a small local church, and have joined with a team to establish "ABCC" to minister to the Asian community locally... very exciting... several have come to Christ... we had 70 for Easter Sunday... mostly Chinese... but do have a family from the South Pacific Islands where I believe
you are ministering... last name is K... they dedicated their infant child to the Lord at church on Palm Sunday.

Love in Christ,
Your Brother,

----- Original Message -----
From: Tony Stinson <>
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2000 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: Critique of Experiencing God`


Thank you for your email.

I shared your email with Henry Blackaby and he asked that I respond on his behalf.

I visited the "Deception in the Church" website but was unable to find the article, "A Critique of Experiencing God," so I am unable to comment on the article.  However, we have found that most people who are critical of Experiencing God have not read the material.

As far as Dr. Blackaby's "affiliation" with those who follow after "third wave and ecumenism teaching," please know that Dr. Blackaby has nothing to do with the individuals mentioned in your email.  In fact, Dr. Blackaby has written several articles opposed to the Toronto Blessing and the Brownwood Revival.

Dr. Blackaby has and continues to be focused on God and the Scriptures, rather than the teachings of men.  Because you have led four groups through

Experiencing God, you know that there is no where in the material where Dr. Blackaby states or implies that our experiences are to determine our theology.  To the contrary, Dr. Blackaby clearly states that all of our experiences must be compared with and against the Word of God.

We are grateful to hear how God is working through you to help people know and Experience God.

Tony Stinson
Executive Director
Henry Blackaby Ministries