SERIES: JANUS: The Return Of The "God" Of New Beginnings Part 1: A Gospel Of Compromise And Symbolism By Ed Tarkowski Prophecies And New Revelations: Past And Present I want to look at the similarities between the past prophecies and present "new" revelations of apostate Christianity and the Catholic Church. These are not, of course, of God, but are counterfeits. I believe that the adversary's prophecies don't always say exactly what he will do, because of the numerous and varied imageries he uses. Often they have an ambiguity about them, while at other times the seem quite precise. But his overall agenda does come through, somehow, loud and clear, in spite of the use of symbols and analogies. His goals will be accomplished only because our God in His sovereignty has allowed it: 2 Thess 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. I once did a report on the ability of spirits not of God to change terminology to whatever it takes to get people to accept their false hope. People consciously accept the New Age gospel because it promises to fill the spiritual void inherent in man. Or they are unconsciously deceived into accepting its premise through the juggling of customized terminologies which place them within reach of an occult spiritual experience. The same is true in the adversary's use of symbols. In the end, it's as though the evil one has told his deceiving spirits, "Do whatever it takes - deliver our agenda in whatever form necessary - just get them gathered, because in my book, the end justifies the means." His present agenda? To get the world to believe that it is the Holy Spirit working in the Revival and leading all to unity with Rome. In spite of all that the Catholic Church proposes as truth, this unity is coming about. The language and terminology that is used by both spiritual systems (the Revival and Catholicism) is different and varied at times, and yet this drive for unity is being accomplished by some very simple, common, everyday terms. It is phenomenal that so many are drawing near to the unity they desire through the use of such promising words as Love, Unity and Peace. How can such a thing happen? It is happening because: 1. The foundation of the Bible has been totally undercut: the revelation of who Jesus Christ is and what Scripture says of Him concerning His work in the past, present and future has been changed. 2. Truth has been laid aside, but the terminology of the Bible is retained but redefined. Therefore, the foundation for growth in the Christian faith and for building up the body of Christ to maturity - obeying the truth in Scripture in its proper context - has been changed. Loving the Lord our God and then our neighbor has been changed to "just love one another" through tolerance and a denial which compromises God's word. Love without truth is a deadly deception - always was, always will be. 3. Symbols and analogies are being used to demonstrate spiritual realities as a replacement for the truth of God's word. These symbols and analogies vary greatly between the two spiritual systems, but no matter how they vary and no matter how many are used, the SAME underlying message comes forth from both. Accepting "new" revelations proposed through symbols is "another message" which opens the door to "another spirit" and the proclamation of "another Jesus." The question is, "Are these symbols new to the religious world or are they symbols from of old?" In "The Secret Doctrine," Helena Blavatsky says this concerning spiritual symbols in the modern world: "These truths are in no sense put forward as a revelation; nor does the author claim the position of a revealer of mystic lore, now made public for the first time in the world's history. For what is contained in this work is to be found scattered throughout thousands of volumes embodying the scriptures of the great Asiatic and early European religions, hidden under glyph and symbol, and hitherto left unnoticed because of this veil. What is now attempted is to gather the oldest tenets together and to make of them one harmonious and unbroken whole. The sole advantage which the writer has over her predecessors, is that she need not resort to personal speculations and theories. For this work is a partial statement of what she herself has been taught by more advanced students, supplemented, in a few details only, by the results of her own study and observation. . . . "But it is perhaps desirable to state unequivocally that the teachings, however fragmentary and incomplete, contained in these volumes, belong neither to the Hindu, the Zoroastrian, the Chaldean, nor the Egyptian religion, neither to Buddhism, Islam, Judaism nor Christianity exclusively. The Secret Doctrine is the essence of all these. Sprung from it in their origins, the various religious schemes are now made to merge back into their original element, out of which every mystery and dogma has grown, developed, and become materialised." (THE SECRET DOCTRINE: THE SYNTHESIS OF SCIENCE, RELIGION, AND PHILOSOPHY by H. P. BLAVATSKY, Volume 1, Preface, pp. 7-8, The spiritual symbolism in various cultures has been used to hide "The Secret Doctrine," but Blavatsky says it's time that "various religious schemes are now made to merge back into their original element, out of which every mystery and dogma has grown, developed, and become materialised." It was rather interesting to apply this philosophy to the current efforts of the Pope regarding his agenda for the new millennium. As Blavatsky wrote that all symbols will now be gathered back "to their original element," so Pope John Paul II says that the preparations of all the previous popes will culminate in this coming Jubilee of Jubilees: "Special tasks and responsibilities with regard to the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000 belong to the ministry of the bishop of Rome. In a certain sense, all the popes of the past century have prepared for this jubilee" (As the Third Millennium Draws Near, Tertio Mellennio Adveniente, Apostolic Letter of Pope John Paul II released on November 14, 1994). Alice Bailey, Djwhal Khul And The Reappearance Of The Christ (As taken from New Ager Alice Bailey's writings are based on the words of Djwhal Khul, a spirit who "channels" through her. Here she writes of the coming "Christ": "Always down the centuries, at the hour of man's greatest need, and in response to his voiced demand, a divine Son of God has come forth, and under many different names..." (Bailey, Reappearance). When "the Christ" comes, she says, he will come as acceptable to all religions. In the past, he overshadowed people in his manifestations, but this time he will take on a body and come as himself along with his hierarchy. Bailey also wrote, "He has been for two thousand years the supreme Head of the Church Invisible, the Spiritual Hierarchy, composed of disciples of all faiths. He recognizes and loves those who are not Christian but who retain their allegiance to Their Founders--the Buddha, Mohammed and others. He cares not what the faith is if the objective is love of God and of humanity. If men look for the Christ Who left His disciples centuries ago, they will fail to recognize the Christ Who is in process of returning. The Christ has no religious barriers in His consciousness. It matters not to Him of what faith a man may call himself..." (Bailey, Reappearance). Here again we have the same sense of a completion, "the Christ" coming to "the Church Invisible," progressively, consisting of disciples from all religions who believe anything but the true gospel of Jesus Christ. This same idea is found in the ongoing ecumenical movement; the Pope has labored since the inception of his papacy to bring all the denominations of Christianity together as one united church in the celebration of Jubilee 2000. John Paul's encyclical "That They May Be One" (Ut Unum Sint; May 25, 1995) was meant to further bring the churches and Rome to one communion. The Pope bases his ecumenical work on Love, while truth is laid on the table of compromise. Where will this lead, and is there a timeframe in the Pope's efforts? Yes, there will be an "engagement" at "the threshold of the new millennium": ". . . I myself intend to promote every suitable initiative aimed at making the witness of the entire Catholic community understood in its full purity and consistency, especially considering the engagement which awaits the Church at the threshold of the new Millennium. That will be an exceptional occasion, in view of which she asks the Lord to increase the unity of all Christians until they reach full communion [Cf. Apostolic Letter Tertio Millennio Adveniente (10 November 1994), 16: AAS 87 (1995), 15]. The present Encyclical Letter is meant as a contribution to this most noble goal. Essentially pastoral in character, it seeks to encourage the efforts of all who work for the cause of unity. "This is a specific duty of the Bishop of Rome as the Successor of the Apostle Peter. I carry out this duty with the profound conviction that I am obeying the Lord, and with a clear sense of my own human frailty. . . . "In our ecumenical age, marked by the Second Vatican Council, the mission of the Bishop of Rome is particularly directed to recalling the need for full communion among Christ's disciples." Here we have an effort fueled by the hope of gathering all Christianity into one corporate body. What is mind-boggling is that both the New Age and Catholic philosophies are based on Love, but without truth. And both are saying it is time to bring forth a united, corporate body for the proclamation of a gospel to the world. They are the same New Age gospel: "This the church has hindered down the centuries, & has not helped because of its fanatical zeal to make 'Christians' of all peoples & not followers of the Christ. It has emphasized theological doctrine, & not love & loving understanding as Christ exemplified it. The Church has preached the fiery Saul of Tarsus & not the gentle Carpenter of Galilee. And so, He has waited. But His hour has now come, because of the people's need in every land & because of the invocative cry of the masses everywhere & the advice of His disciples of all faiths & of all world religions" (Bailey, Reappearance). What's more, Bailey told the Church that they have a place in the worldwide effort to bring in "the Christ": "The work and the teaching of the Christ will be hard for the Christian world to accept, though easier of assimilation in the East. Nevertheless, some hard blow or some difficult presentation of the truth is badly needed if the Christian world is to be awakened, and if Christian people are to recognise their place within a worldwide divine revelation and see the Christ as representing all the faiths and taking His rightful place as World Teacher" (Bailey, Reappearance). In its ignorance, Christianity is complying in just the way a New Age Theosophist, Alice Bailey, said it would. She predicted the consequences of trading biblical truth for experience: "What the orthodox theologian and the narrow doctrinaire have to offer no longer satisfies the intelligent seeker or suffices to answer his questions. He is shifting his allegiances into wider and more spiritual areas. He is moving OUT FROM UNDER doctrinal authority AND TO direct personal, spiritual experience AND COMING UNDER the direct authority which contact with Christ and His disciples, the masters, gives" (Alice Bailey, The Externalization of the Hierarchy, p. 62; caps mine). In "The Rays & the Initiations," Bailey wrote that bringing in "the Christ" is based on three things, the first being to establish leaders in every nation through the overshadowing of the minds of people. (In the apostate church, this is being done through "the Anointing" and the receiving of "new" revelations.) "The Christ" would be brought in: "1. By His overshadowing of all initiates and disiples who are today or will be at the time of His arrival, active in the three worlds of human evolution. This involves His influencing their minds telepathically. This overshadowing or influencing, will be His primary work upon the mental plane. This will constitute one of His most effective methods in His proposed spiritual interference in world affairs. Through the medium of these members or affiliates of the Hierarchy, He will have outposts of His consciousness in every nation. Through them He can work" (The Rays & the Initiations, 615/16). Bailey's second point in "bringing in the Christ" corresponds to the Revival's plan: to communicate the "Anointing" and the "new" revelations, to compromise towards unity, and to proclaim and implement the message. This is usually presented in terms of "harvesting." Here is Bailey's second phase: "2. By the pouring out of the Christ life or consciousness upon the masses everywhere, and in every nation. This spiritual inflow will bring about the reorienting of human desire, and will evoke the emotional response to His Presence. This therefore brings the astral plane within the active sphere of His influence; this involves the release of the energy of goodwill into the hearts of men, predisposing them towards right human relations. It is this establishing of right relations which is the major objective of His coming triple activity. The masses everywhere will be responsive to the work and the message of Christ, as it is implemented from the mental plane by the disciples and initiates, overshadowed by the mind of Christ" (The Rays & the Initiations, 615/16). Where are we at the present time? We are on the verge of what Bailey describes next: "3. By His physical appearance among men. Through His Own immediate appearance, He can establish a potent focal point of hierarchical energy upon earth, in a manner not hitherto possible. He has never deserted humanity and has always kept His promise to stay with us all the days even unto the end of the age. Men in all lands will know where He can be found. The locale of this focal point of His threefold spiritual activity cannot here be disclosed, for it is contigent upon the results of the sequential process of overshadowing and outpouring" (The Rays & the Initiations, 615/16). In another book, Bailey expands on the coming of "the Christ": "When He comes at the close of this century and makes His power felt, He will come as the Teacher of Love and Unity, and the keynote He will strike will be regeneration through love poured forth on all. . . . this will demonstrate . . . in the formation of active groups in every city of any size and in every country, which will work aggresively for unity, cooperation and brotherhood in every department of life -- economic, religious, social and scientific" (A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, 755). Alice Bailey's words below well describe the Revival's ascending from one level to the next in preparation for its own "manifestation of the Kingdom of God on Earth": "From stage to stage, from crisis to crisis, from point to point and from centre to centre, the life of God progresses, leaving greater beauty behind it as it moves through one form after another and from kingdom to kingdom . . . The manifestations of the Kingdom of God on Earth, the preparing of the way for its great Inaugurator, the Christ, the making possible the externalisation of the Hierarchy upon Earth, give us each and all a fully adequate task and something for which to live and work, to dream and aspire." (The Rays & the Initiations, 738) Continued in Part 2.