SERIES: JANUS: The Return Of The "God" Of New Beginnings Part 10: JANUS: Chaos, A King And A Golden Age By Ed Tarkowski JANUS: King Of Latium And A Golden Age "When his wife died, Janus became the sole ruler of Latium. He sheltered Saturn when he was fleeing from Jupiter. Janus, as the first king of Latium, brought the people a time of peace and welfare; the Golden Age. He introduced money, cultivation of the fields, and the laws" ( I don't know a lot about mythology, but I will try to explain what is in back of this last quote. In mythology, Saturn was head of the Titans. When they were overthrown, they were banished by Jupiter (Saturn's son] to the underworld. But Saturn managed to escape, and fled to Latium where he was met by Janus. Janus hid him and he became known as the hidden god. Saturn settled on Capitoline Hill and civilized the people. He taught them agriculture and became the god of the harvest, and so is often associated with the sickle. His festival is the Saturnalia, which became Christmas in the Catholic Church. Associated with Janus in mythology, I think it important to mention that Saturn's reign in the city he established was also called the Golden Age, a time peace where war was not allowed. This sets up quite a scenario when we consider the coming Christmas, when the Roman Pope in the likeness of Janus will knock on the Holy Door three times with a golden hammer and ask that the gates of justice be opened. Janus had brought the people "a time of peace and welfare; the Golden Age." This is exactly what the Pope has been working for as part of his agenda for uniting humanity in a "new Advent." When the world and the apostate church spiritually enter the "Holy Door" and most likely encounter the spirit of Janus in this spiritual portal, will the spirit be multiplied throughout the world through the church's new-found "unity of consciousness"? Will the "hidden god," Saturn, emerge with sickle in hand from the spiritual realm as the god of the harvest? I believe there is in these simple comparisons enough to say that the papacy operates out of the spirit of Janus. JANUS: The New Beginnings To End In Chaos? According to Manifest Sons doctrine, there must come a great harvest of the world. Those in the Revival are crying out to someone for that harvest, and receiving "new" revelations about that harvest, and reaping that harvest, and will take part in still a greater harvesting in the days ahead. But Scripture says that Christ will harvest the world when He returns in the power and glory of the Father at the end of Daniel's 70th week. This heretical doctrine of the MSOG also says there must be a cleansing, a time of tribulation when the porters or gatekeepers decide who is worthy of entrance and who is not, until the door is shut in early 2001. Will the chaos of that tribulation period (not necessarily the Great Tribulation) come about then, or sooner? If you recall, St. John Bosco mentions a time of chaos when the Pope guides the Church and anchors it to the two pillars of Marian Devotion and the Eucharist. And Janus, not so surprisingly, is associated with Chaos as well: "Ovid relates that Janus was called Chaos at the time when air, fire, water and earth were all a formless mass. When the elements separated, Chaos took on the form of Janus: his two faces represented the confusion of his original state" (GODS OF THE STATE: PRINCIPAL DIVINITIES, Janus, New Larousse Encyclopedia Of Mythology, Introduction By Robert Graves, Roman, pp. 200-202). "The statement to which I [Hislop] refer is that in which Janus 'the god of gods,' * from whom all the other gods had their origin, is made to say of himself: 'The ancients...called me Chaos.' "'* Janus was so called in the most ancient hymns of the Salii. (MACROB, Saturn.)' "Now, first this decisively shows that Chaos was known not merely as a state of confusion, but as the 'god of Confusion.' But, secondly, who that is at all acquainted with the laws of Chaldaic pronunciation, does not know that Chaos is just one of the established forms of the name of Chus or Cush? * Then, look at the symbol of Janus, ** (see Fig. 7) whom 'the ancients called Chaos,' and it will be seen how exactly it tallies with the doings of Cush, when he is identified with Bel, 'The Confounder.' That symbol is a club; and the name of 'a club' in Chaldee comes from the very word which signifies 'to break in pieces, or scatter abroad'" (Hislop, Two Babylons, Chapter II, Section II, Sub-Section I). How is it possible to reconcile "Janus as Chaos" with "Janus as ruler of a Golden Age"? Because first there is chaos, but once the confusion and chaos are dealt with, then comes peace. First comes Chaos, then the Golden Age. That's the pattern. Fitting the pattern is the Manifest Sons' cleansing of the earth from all hindrances to Unity and Peace as preparation for Pope John Paul II's global peace and a united global church. This cleansing, this tribulation period, will be chaos followed by the supposed establishment of the kingdom of God on earth and a Golden Age. We have said we are on the verge of the total implementation by the apostate church (not even considering the world) of their agenda. This will escalate dramatically after December. First the harvest, then chaos, then the reign of antichrist. That's how it seems to be shaping up. JANUS: Doors Opened During War, Closed During Peace "In the Forum he had a temple whose gates were open in times of war and closed in times of peace. The reason for this custom is not certain. The gates of the temple of Janus were, however, rarely closed: once under Numa, three times under Augustus, then under Nero, Marcus Aurelius, Commodus, Gordius III, and in the fourth century. "When Janus died he was defied. Other legends were attached to him: after Romulus and his companions had carried off the Sabine women, a Roman woman was bribed by jewels to show the enemy the path to the citadel. Titus Tatius and the Sabines attacked the city. One night TARPELA delivered the citadel into the hands of the Sabines. They had already scaled the heights of the Capitol when Janus - whose function it was to open a channel for fountains - launched a jet of hot water which frightened them and put them to flight. To commemorate this miracle it was decided that in time of war the door of the Temple of Janus should always be left open so that the god could come to the aid of the Romans. It was closed only if the Roman Empire was at peace" (Ev Butterworth, Rome Around, "Inside[,] the statue of Janus has one face looking out each door. The doors to this temple are closed only at times of peace. During Rome's first 700 years the doors were closed three times. Opening the doors may be symbolic of the way drawbridges were opened in time of war to protect the early city of Rome" (J.M.Hunt, Greek Mythology, I won't comment much on the above, but wanted to at least mention this, considering the fact that in times of war "the door of the Temple of Janus should always be left open so that the god could come to the aid of the Romans." The talk of war, warriors and warfare in the Revival, the spiritual battles going on in the present, and the war of cleansing that is supposed to take place as proposed by Manifest Sons doctrine, seem to make this an important point. If the Pope is walking in the spirit of Janus, the opening of Rome's "Holy Door" as a symbol of the coming return of and reunification with the denominations could make this very significant. JANUS: Protector Of Rome "After his death he was deified and became the protector of Rome" ( "Throughout history there have been a number of meanings associated with the Holy Year Doors. One of the earliest connects the door with the right of sanctuary ­ PROTECTION AND SAFETY. Other meanings attached to the closing and opening of the doors are the exclusion of Adam and Eve from Paradise and our restoration through redemption; and the expulsion and reconciliation of penitents" (Laura Deavers, Editor, The Catholic Commentator, the official newspaper of the Diocese of Baton Rouge, May 20, 1998: "Holy Door" Closed to Mark Millennium,; caps mine). Looking at this in the light of our belief that first will come "global unity" under Rome and then judgement on all those who are left, the protection of Janus, I believe, becomes appropriate for all who are following Rome into the new millennium with the expectation of a final Peace, Unity and a New World. Continued in Part 11.