(This is catalog of all the appearnaces through 1996 of Lord Maitreya, or the False Prophet. But do not be misled by the claims -- Lord Maitreya is not higher than or another version of Jesus Christ. There is only one Jesus Christ who now sits at the right hand of God the Father. Lord Maitreya is an imposter sent by Satan to deceive the world. He will give his allegiance to the coming Anti-Christ and "not set up his own religion" (quote by Maitreya himself). The fact that the False Prophet is already here should alert all Christians that the time is short and the harvest is white. - Sandy Simpson)
On June 11, 1988, Maitreya materialized suddenly `out of the blue' at a Christian prayer meeting in Nairobi, Kenya. Thousands attending instantlyrecognized Him as the Christ. He spoke to them in their own language andmany reported being cured of major illnesses. The KENYA TIMES reportedthat, afterwards, a man saw Maitreya take a few steps and then disappear.The TIMES photographed Maitreya, and the story was picked up and reportedby international news organizations. As in Kenya in 1988, Maitreya continues to appearmiraculously throughout the world, mainly at meetings of orthodoxreligious groups. Prior to His appearance in different locales, Hemagnetizes water in the area with healing energy. In Mexico, Germany, and India the healing waters have been discovered, and millions of people have been drawn to the sites. Many claim theyhave been cured of illnesses such as AIDS, cancer, arthritis, and glaucoma after drinking the water. In August 1993, the American television program CBS "Up-to- the-Minute" aireda week-long series on the healing waters in Tlacote, Mexico. The reportercited laboratory results which found the water to be lighter than normalwater. She herself claimed that using the water cured an eye infection inless than one-third the time her doctor had predicted it would take.
What follows is a partial list of Maitreya's appearances upuntil February 1996. After the list, we've posted Benjamin Creme's response to a frequently asked question about why these appearances arenot covered by the media.
APPEARANCES IN 1996: Italy - Rome (7 Jan) Turkey - Ankara (14 Jan) Utah, USA - Elko (28 Jan) Slovenia - (4 Feb)
APPEARANCES IN 1995: Ireland - Dublin (Jan 1) Sweden - Stockholm (8 Jan) Japan - Osaka (29 Jan) Turkey - Istanbul (5 Feb) Finland - Helsinki (12 February) Holland - Amsterdam (26 February) Italy - Palermo, Sicily (5 March) Greece - Ioannina (12 March) France - Paris (26 March) USA - Phoenix, Arizona (9 April) Scotland - Aberdeen (16 April) Mongolia - Ulan Bator (23 April) Russia - Moscow (30 April) Spain - Santander (14 May) Russia - Volsk (21 May) Australia - Sydney (28 May) USA - Kansas City (June 4) Madagascar - Antananarivo (11 June) Venezuela - Caracas (25 June) Morocco - Marrakesh (9 July) Russia - Vladivostok (23 July) China - Beijing (6 August) Tanzania - Dodoma (13 August) Pakistan - Lahore (27 August) South Africa - Durban (17 September) Spain - La Coruna (24 September) Canada - Saskatchewan (1 October) England - Liverpool (15 October) Argentina - Buenos Aires (22 October) Portugal - Lisbon (29 October) Canada - Vancouver (5 November) Kazakstan - (19 November) Portugal - Oporto (26 November) Tanzania - Zanzibar (17 December)
APPEARANCES IN 1994: South Africa - Bloemfontain (January 2) Uganda - Kampala (January 9) Trinidad - (January 16) Sweden - Stockholm (January 30) Finland - Helsinki (February 6) Thailand - Bangkok (February 13) Kenya - Nairobi (March 6 ) Canada - Montreal (March 13) Russia - St. Petersburg (March 27) Sicily - Palermo (April 10) France - Orleans (April 24) Spain - Barcelona (May 1) Philippines - (May 29) France - Paris (June 5) Turkey - Istanbul (19 June) Jamaica - Kingston (24 July) UK - London (31 July) Denmark - Copenhagen (14 August) Poland - Krakow (21 August) South Korea - Seoul (28 August) New Zealand - Wellington (11 September) Greece - Athens (9 October) Canada - Ottawa (6 November) Wales - Cardiff (4 December) Germany - Frankfurt (11 December) Iraq - Baghdad (18 December) Italy - Rome (25 December)
Q. Why, if Maitreya appears before 600 or even more people at a meeting of a religious group in Britain -- as in Edinburgh and York -- do we see nothing about it in the media?
A. The people before whom He appears are in every case fundamentalistsof one persuasion or another. Denominationally they vary tremendouslybut the consistent factor is that they are all extremely dogmatic intheir beliefs. Maitreya appears to them to soften them up. These arethe groups from whom, throughout the world, He expects the majoropposition and rejection. If He appears as The World Teacher and theyare expecting the Teacher in their own terms -- as the Christ, MaitreyaBuddha, Krishna, the Imam Mahdi, the Messiah -- with their very fixedviews, they would be inclined to reject Him. The most important thing is the creation of the healing waters,which is done first. When Maitreya has magnetized the waters, in duecourse -- it might take a few weeks -- He finds a group offundamentalists in a town nearby and appears before them. He speaks tothem in their own language and many healings take place during theprocess. He does not say: "I am Maitreya" "I am the Christ" or "I amthe Imam Mahdi", He just appears, out of the blue, but in a form whichthey will recognize -- as He did in Nairobi in Kenya, on 11 June 1988,an appearance of which we have photographs. Maitreya leaves it to the groups, in the thoughtform in which Hehas appeared to them, to recognize Him or not. Some of them will say: "Beware, it could be the Antichrist: before the Christ comes, theAntichrist is coming." That is why they do not speak out and, if they donot speak, the media does not speak. Occasionally at these meetingsthere have been representatives of religious newspapers who do not writeabout it. Why not? I think they do not know what to do with thisinformation: it is too hot. Either they believe it is the Christ orthey believe it is the Antichrist; or they are mystified because He hasnot said who He is. Perhaps 80 per cent of the people believe they hadan experience of the Christ, or the Mahdi, or the Messiah -- whomever ithappened to be -- and they are perfectly content to accept that and justwait for something more to happen in connection with it. That must dosomething to their awareness, even if they do not talk about it exceptamong themselves. When eventually they see Maitreya on television theywill say: "That's the one who appeared to us -- perhaps he is all rightafter all; perhaps he is not the Antichrist." The appearance in Nairobi was reported and photographed becausethe editor of the Swahili edition of the KENYA TIMES was present andwrote it up. It was picked up by various media and was a two-day wonderaround the world. The media in general, as ordinary men and women, aredeeply, profoundly skeptical, and professionally, not only skeptical,but cynical in the extreme.
[From March 1994 SHARE INTERNATIONAL magazine.]