On June 3, Pope John Paul II entrusted "the whole Church" to the intercession of Mary and "placed in her hands the expectations of peace and justice of the world." He called her the "queen of heaven." The pope commended the Mariolatry of the late Pope John XXIII, observing that Mary took that pope "by the hand and accompanied him" on his earthly journey. Pope John Paul II concluded with these words: "…let us deepen our relation with the Mother of Christ and Tabernacle of the Holy Spirit and, inspired by new fervor, let us invoke her with confidence." This is the same pope who has been praised by evangelical leaders such as Billy Graham, Jack Van Impe, Bill Bright, and Chuck Colson. [Friday Church News Notes, June 15, 2001 (David W. Cloud, Fundamental Baptist Information Service, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061, fbns@wayoflife.org)]