In one of the most telling examples of the occult nature of the Roman
Catholic Church, Pope John Paul II allows his forehead to be marked
by a
Pagan Shiva priestess. Do not be deceived: the Pope is the False Prophet,
as revealed by another Pagan source (See our NEWS1052, House of Theosophy
Seminar Notes
The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what
New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented,
will be able to see it progressing in your daily news!!
Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones!
Stand by for insights so startling you will never look at the news the
way again.
We received some very shocking, but revealing, information about Pope
Paul II from a sister Christian organization, Former Catholics For
In their newsletter, dated Jan/Feb/Mar, 1998, they reveal that Pope
Paul II allowed a Shiva priestess to create the traditional Shiva mark
his forehead. Of course, this event will cause any person to sit up
take notice, those of us who literally believe Biblical prophecy. In
Book of Revelation, the False Prophet, the leader of the new global
religion of Antichrist, causes all people in the world to take a mark,
either in the forehead or in the right hand. Therefore, it is a big
when a Pagan priestess causes a mark to be made in the forehead of
the Pope!
You can see for yourself, as we were able to get the original picture
FCFC. You can see the priestess reach up with her right hand, planting
Shiva mark upon the forehead of the Pope, John Paul II.
Most of you probably do not know what Shiva religion is, so we will
take a
few moments to enlighten you. The New Age Dictionary defines the Shiva
(pronounced "siva") as the "Hindu God of Illusion, Yoga, Animals, Ascetics;
Lord of the Dance, who lives on Mt. Kailas, Benares, and sundry other
places around the world". [Page 180]
Therefore, we know that the religion of Shiva is part of the Hindu
religion, and that it is Pagan. If the Roman Catholic Pope is "Jesus
Christ's Vicar On Earth", and if he is infallible when he is performing
duties as Pope, then how can he sanction the false religion of Hinduism?
How can he allow a ceremony in which he not only receives a mark on
forehead, but he allows himself to take part in a ceremony which clearly
identifies himself as being subservient to the Shiva priestess? Has
John Paul II forgotten our Lord's Words on this matter of other religions?
"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man
unto the Father, but by me." [John 14:6] In other words, Jesus is declaring
that His Way to Heaven is the only way, and that Christianity is the
valid religion on earth! By the way, this exclusivity used to be cardinal
doctrine within the Roman Catholic Church, for centuries!
"Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by
name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised
the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole. This
the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become
the head
of the corner. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is
other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."
Pope John Paul II is defying the solemn Words of Jesus Christ when he
credence and validity to the Pagan religion of Shiva. The Pope is denying,
by his actions, that Christianity is the only real religion on Earth.
he is doing much more: he is defying the commandment of God in Jeremiah
10:2, "Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen".
Let us now examine how very heathen the practitioners of the Shiva religion
of the Hindu truly are, and prepare to be shocked. We surfed the Web
discovered some very interesting facts about Shiva.
"Shiva Ardanariswara - Godhead as Divine Union. Shiva is the totality
existence - male and female, light and dark, creation and destruction,
and yang. In this form called The Lord, whose Half is Woman, is found
expression not of duality but of the union of opposites. The deity's
side is dressed in a short dhoti, the traditional male garment from
pre-history to present. The left side wears more elaborate female garments
and jewelry. This anthropomorphic splitting symbolizes the primal event
which modern physics calls the `big bang': form emerging from void,
Original Oneness achieving multiplicity."
Here, we discover that Shiva embodies the Satanic theology of the Principle
of Duality, especially as represented by the Male and Female Principle!
Shiva is pure Satanism. Shiva is also very typical of the New Age religion,
which speaks a lot of achieving "Original Oneness" with the universe,
ultimate state desired, called Nirvana. Thus, Shiva is quite compatible
with both Satanism and the New Age Movement.
Now, let us examine yet another photograph of Shiva from the Internet,
study the notes attending the photograph.
"Shiva - Shakti - The Spousal pair Shiva-Shakti (Yab-Yum) is a tantric
consort image. At once the most sacred and the most mysterious path
higher consciousness, tantra is the Sacred Union of opposites. Taoists
refer to these energies as yin (from yoni, i.e., the active principle)
yang (the recumbent principle). Bly, Jung and Nin point out that each
individual must achieve an inner marriage of their masculine and feminine
natures to encounter true balance. Hindu consort pairs epitomizing
psychic symbolism are superb representations of the social, sexual,
sacred interconnectedness of women and men. This conjunction of Shiva
Shakti expresses the sacredness of sexuality as a path to spiritual
What on Earth is a "tantric consort image"? Hold on to your hats, because
once you know, you will be changed forever by your opinion of the Roman
Catholic Church and its Pope! The New Age Dictionary defines "tantra"
"meditative sexual union (the female is active, male passive, in Hindu
tantra; the male active, the female passive, in Buddhist tantra)."
[Page 195]
The word "consort" also has great meaning when used in this context.
Tormont Webster's Illustrated Dictionary defines "consort" as a "companion
or partner". Thus, the term "tantric consort" literally means engaging
sex with a partner as a means of worshipping their god! Folks, this
is pure
Satanism. If you really want an eye-opening experience, go into a New
bookstore and look at the books on Tantric Sex. You will discover page
after page of drawings that can only be described as pornographic,
accompanied by lurid writing that would make any author of pornographic
literature proud. This is all done in the name of "worship" and "religion".
This perverted worship is nothing more than the full Biblical definition
Paganism, "Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped
served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever.
For this cause God gave them up ..." [Romans 1:25-26a]. This religion
literally worshipping the creature through sex, rather than the Creator.
Why is Pope John Paul II fraternizing with people that worship through
Isn't he celibate, and doesn't his Roman Catholic Church uphold "Family
Values" as taught in the Bible? Questions like these could go on forever.,
and probably should.
"Shiva With Nandi - Godhead as Meditative Bliss. The bull Nandi is Shiva
his animal form as well as the mount upon which the Great God rides.
sexually potent bull is an expression of Shiva's cosmic creative energy,
yet his bestial instincts are kept reined in. In a similar manner Shiva's
yogic asceticism guarantees release from worldly delusion and suffering.
Nandi (his name means giving joy) is Shiva's greatest devotee. This
evolved from a prehistoric representation (Shiva Pasupati) in which
the god
was a horned fertility deity; his worship was central in the ancient
Mohenjo Daro civilization of the Indus valley."
In this picture, we see Shiva in female form, with the "sexually potent
bull" at her side, whom she rides; yet, we are assured that no bestiality
is occurring here, even though the Shiva bull evidently has feelings
Shiva. At the end of this little write-up, we see the tie between this
and the Satanic "horned deity". Again, we are confronted by the fact
Shiva is nothing more than Satanism with a slightly different mask
than the
ones worn by traditional Satanists.
"Shiva - Mahadev - Symbol of inner balance. Lord of creation and
destruction, here pictured in his aspect as yogi-ascetic. Lotus-seated
a tiger skin, third eye focused in meditation, he dispassionately oversees
the creation and disintegration of the material universe. From his
locks springs the Ganges, symbolic of fertility and purification. His
serpent necklace implies the life force that underlies all being. A
Dravidian epoch Green Man , Shiva's worship predates 5000 BCE. The
moon in his hair and trisula markings on his forehead signify his horned
Minotaur aspect.
In this picture, we see Shiva in male form, and we can clearly see the
of markings which this Shiva priestess is placing upon the forehead
of Pope
John Paul II. Notice that this write-up accompanying the picture speaks
the "third eye focused in meditation". Occultists all over the world,
every age, have taught of the supreme importance of raising your
consciousness to the point where your Third Eye is opened. Let us turn
again to the New Age Dictionary for a more complete definition. "Third
organ of intuition, located between the eyebrows; sixth chakra divided
five categories by the Tibetans: 1) Eyes of Instinct, supernormal range
vision like a bird; 2) Celestial Eyes, taking in heaven, Earth, past
future birth; 3) Eyes of Truth, taking in world epics; 4) Divine Eyes,
taking in millions of world periods; 5) Eyes of Buddhas, taking in
eternity." [Page 200]
Adolf Hitler was supremely interested in achieving the complete opening
his Third Eye, during his time of Satanic spiritual training in the
Society, training which was indispensable in making him the Child of
he turned out to be. The teaching of the Third Eye is Satanism, Hinduism,
Buddhism, and New Age all rolled into one. What is Pope John Paul II
submitting himself to a priestess of such an occultic, Satanic religion?
This newsletter of the Former Catholics For Christ adds another interesting
tidbit of information concerning the Shiva religion. "According to
Matrisciana's Gods of the New Age (1985), the Shivites are 'recognizable
the three horizontal lines painted on their forehead. These disciples
the god Shiva consider madness -- one of Shiva's attributes -- to be
one of
the highest levels of spirituality! Many Hindus believe insanity to
be a
form of god-consciousness.' "
Once again we behold the face of Satanism. The Bible speaks over and
again of a sound mind as being one of the attributes of Godliness.
"7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of
and of a sound mind." [2 Timothy 1:7]
"And they come to Jesus, and see him that was possessed with the devil,
had the legion, sitting, and clothed, and in his right mind: and they
afraid." [Mark 5:15; Luke 8:35 also]. In this section, we see that
cast out a legion of demons possessing a man. One of the major attributes
of this demon possessed man was that he was totally deranged. Conversely,
once Jesus cast out the demons, the man was restored to his "right
"And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God
them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient"
[Romans 1:28] All people involved heavily in the occult are in danger
being "given over" by God to a reprobate mind.
"Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled
unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is
They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being
abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate." [Titus
2:15-16] Again, these verses clearly and accurately describe the potential
insanity of people who have rejected God and given themselves over
to the
practice of the Occult, in whatever form.
God is a God of a sound, sane mind, while Satan is the god of insanity.
of the major ways in which the world will be impacted once the Rapture
the Church occurs is that the many ways in which the Holy Spirit restrains
evil in this age will be removed. Then, Satan will be allowed much
free rein. You will see many more instances where people's minds will
haywire, because the mind is that part of our bodies where we were
in the image of God". Therefore, Satan hates it exceedingly. The other
of our being created in the image of God is our eternal soul, which
cannot touch.
Now, let us carefully review what we have just learned in this article.
We have learned that Pope John Paul II participated in a ceremony in
he allowed a Shiva priestess to place the traditional Shiva parallel
markings on his forehead. This places the Pope in submission to this
priestess during this ceremony, and it places Papal acceptance upon
Pagan religion of Shiva.
We have learned that the religion of Shiva is very Satanic through
through, and that it worships its god through the practice of Tantric
Through this act of accepting this mark on his forehead, the Pope has
signaled his acceptance of Shiva as a religion just as valid as Christianity.
Since Shiva has much in common with the New Age religion, the Pope
signaled his acceptance of the New Age as a religion just as valid
Christianity. Indeed, in the years before she died, Mother Teresa attended
several New Age conferences in which she was usually a featured speaker.
NEWS1020, "Gorbachev More Dangerous Than Ever, Part 1", and in NEWS1021,
"Part 2", we covered the global conference of New Age and New World
leaders for a week long conference in San Francisco. This conference
called in order to facilitate a smooth transition to the New World
Order by
the year 2000. The people attending read like a Who's Who List of key
World Order leaders. The only representative of the Roman Catholic
was Mother Teresa.
In NEWS1052, "Seminar Notes: House of Theosophy", I reported that the
England Director of the House of Theosophy, who had spent several years
a planning member on the "New Jerusalem Covenant Project", had reported
several very interesting things about the Roman Catholic Pope.
Specifically, we report how the Pope fits into the Plan for the
implementation of the New World Order Religion.
The Pope is a "Proper Receptor" to the New Age Christ. This statement
that the Pope will have no trouble accepting Antichrist when he arises.
only way that could happen is if he is just as Pagan in his heart of
as will be Antichrist.
After Antichrist arises, the Pope will convene a special global religious
conference in Jerusalem in which he will announce that all of the world's
religions are now combined into one, and that he is their supreme leader.
These revelations place the Pope squarely in the role of the Biblical
Prophet. Let us examine the passage in Revelation 13 that describes
False Prophet, so you can decide for yourselves whether the Pope fulfills
this prophecy.
Rev 13:11 describes the False Prophet as he makes his appearance in
capacity. " And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth;
and he
had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon." In other words,
Biblical False Prophet will claim to be Christian and will be accepted
the vast majority of people on Earth, as a Christian ["Having two horns
like a lamb" clearly refers to a leader that claims to know and serve
Christ]. However, this False Prophet will be a "dragon" at heart, meaning
that he will be Satanic in his heart. He will be a worshipper of Pagan
and will embrace their worldview and their religious practices. This
ceremony where Pope John Paul II accepts the Shiva parallel marks on
forehead is the most graphic illustration yet that the Roman Pontiff
fulfills this Biblical prophecy perfectly.
Rev 13:12-14 foretells that the False Prophet will be able to perform
of the lying signs and wonders that Antichrist can perform, and that
will aid Antichrist in deceiving the peoples of the world into worshipping
him. "And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him,
causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first
... And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from
heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell
the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in
sight of the beast."
Therefore, the False Prophet will simply be another Antichrist figure
his heart of hearts. He will play a major role in deceiving all the
of the world into worshipping Antichrist. From Martin Luther [1520
A.D.] to
Dr. Alexander Hislop [late 1800's], Protestant leaders have identified
Roman Catholic Pope as the Biblical False Prophet. They based their
conclusions on the Paganism of the Catholic Church and on several
prophecies which provide great detail concerning the False Prophet,
church, and the city in which he rules.
Now, the events occurring in front of our very eyes, in our daily news,
providing proof that this early identification of the Pontiff as the
Prophet is absolutely true. Not only does the Roman Catholic Church
much Pagan doctrine, not only does the Pope now utilize the Satanic
Cross instead of the traditional Crucifix, but now we see him accepting
Shiva Religion on an equal basis with Christianity. Remember the End
prophecy concerning discernment, and apply it to this situation. "
believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God:
because many false prophets are gone out into the world." [1 John 4:1]
we "try" this spirit, we find it to be of Satan, not God.
Friends, God is trying to get our attention here. He is trying to show
the truth of the situation facing the world today. Not only is He lining
all the prophesied "signs and wonders", but He is trying mightily to
us the identification of the False Prophet. The actual person who will
the False Prophet may not be John Paul II, but he will be the Roman
Catholic Pope!
If you are a Roman Catholic, please understand that we do not hate you,
do we hate Roman Catholicism. Our hearts go out to you, because your
eternal soul is at stake. If you continue to follow Roman Catholicism,
will be eternally lost, because Catholic doctrine does not teach Saving
Faith. Further, the Pope is now revealed as the Satanic False Prophet.
will be lead straight into Hell. Please turn now to the simple Salvation
Plan offered in Scripture, and come to know the true power of the Holy
Everyone who reads this article should understand that they have just
viewed a most incredible "sign" of the impending End of the Age possible.
They have just viewed the unmasking of the Roman Pontiff as the False
Prophet he truly is.
NOTE: Former Catholics For Christ received their information about the
receiving this Shiva mark on their forehead from a book called "Peter,
Lovest Thou Me?" Pages 155-156, 1986. You may email the Former Catholics
For Christ for more information at www.fcfc.jbic.com
The End of the Age rushes down upon us like a freight train. Are you
spiritually ready? Is your family? Are you adequately protecting your
ones? This is the reason for this ministry, to enable you to first
understand the peril facing you, and then help you develop strategies
warn and protect your loved ones. Once you have been thoroughly trained,
you can also use your knowledge as a means to open the door of discussion
with an unsaved person. I have been able to use it many times, and
seen people come to Jesus Christ as a result. These perilous times
are also
a time when we can reach many souls for Jesus Christ, making an eternal
If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, but have
very lukewarm in your spiritual walk with Him, you need to immediately
Him for forgiveness and for renewal. He will instantly forgive you,
fill your heart with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Then, you need to
begin a
daily walk of prayer and personal Bible Study.
If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to
His reality and the approaching End of the Age, and want to accept
Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do so now, in the privacy of your
Once you accept Him as Savior, you are spiritually Born Again, and
are as
assured of Heaven as if you were already there. Then, you can rest
that the Kingdom of Antichrist will not touch you spiritually. If you
like to become Born Again, turn to our Salvation Page now.
We hope you have been blessed by this ministry, which seeks to educate
warn people, so that they can see the coming New World Order -- Kingdom
Antichrist -- in their daily news.
Finally, we would love to hear from you. You can write us at:
Cutting Edge Ministries
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Attleboro, MA 02703-2031
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Ed ejt@ncinter.net - http://www.ncinter.net/~ejt/ - Stef stef@plinet.com