Benny Hinn - False Prophet
This is an update on the Jesus
Christ Slated To Star With Benny Hinn ... IN PERSON! story we sent
out a month ago. It contains transcripts and many audio clips as
well as links to TBN RealPlayer clips of the "This Is Your Day" on TBN.
Since I put the original story out Hinn has been making more and more outrageous
claims. That there has been almost no hue and cry from the ranks of orthodox
Christianity on the subject of Hinn's latest claims below shows the sorry
state of the "Church" today. How much more evidence do Christians
need to stand up for the truth? How many more millions of lives will
Benny Hinn drag down to spiritual ruination before some Christian leaders
make their voices heard loud and clear. From my vantage point, I
only see a few discernment ministries laying their necks on the chopping
block for the truth, and they do it ALL THE TIME! It's time for other
Christian leaders to be counted on this issue. What Benny Hinn is
doing is EXACTLY what Jesus Christ warned us about in Matthew 24:
Matt. 24:23-27 At that time if anyone says to you, `Look, here is the Christ!' or, `There he is!' do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect--if that were possible. See, I have told you ahead of time. "So if anyone tells you, `There he is, out in the desert,' do not go out; or, `Here he is, in the inner rooms,' do not believe it. For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.
This is a call for the body of Christ to rise up and cast this wolf
in sheep's clothing firmly away from its ranks and call him what he is
-- a heretic leading a cult! We have a duty to warn people against
the likes of Benny Hinn before those who do not know the Lord NEVER want
to know Him ... and those that do shipwreck their faith.
If we do not stand against the likes of Benny Hinn and instead continue
to call him a "brother in Christ", I am convinced that we will be judged
for being "ashamed of Jesus Christ". I'll take the word of the Lord
Jesus Christ any day over the word of Benny Hinn. Here is a good
quote from Al Dagar about those who are unwilling to stand up for the truth.
"To seek unity with false prophets without challenging their errors leaves one's own beliefs open to question. Those who defend heretics, even if they do not believe in their teachings, are guilty of lending credibility to their heresies, and will be held accountable to God for the souls that are destroyed as a result. It's up to those that know the truth to defend the Church against false teachers whatever the cost to unity or to personal benefit." (Al Dagar, Media Spotlight Special Report, "Latter-Day Prophets: The Restoration of Apostles and Prophets and the Kansas City-Vineyard Connection", September, 1990, (p. 11).
I believe God, in His grace and longsuffering, is allowing people
like Benny Hinn to test true believers. While Hinn struts, postulates,
makes up stories out of whole cloth to grow his following, and collects
obscene amounts of money to do "ministry", he has lately "kicked it up
a notch" by going directly against what Jesus Christ warned us about, thereby
proving beyond any doubt that he is a false prophet. I believe that God
is allowing this last days test for Christians to see if they will love
the truth ... or go running after myths. When He comes, will He find
faith on the earth?
Benny Hinn claims: Jesus is appearing physically to Muslims!
benny-hinn-1.wav (1.48 MB - © April 2nd, 2000 by TBN). Here is a transcript of this clip:
"Ladies and gentleman, Jesus is shaking the world! Now something
else is happening that is to me awesome! Absolutely awesome! The
Lord is physically appearing in the Muslim world. I'm telling you,
Paul, I am hearing it now more and more and more. Since we preachers cannot
go there, Jesus is - just going there Himself. Since we preachers are not
to go in, He is just showing up - Himself. You know the Scriptures says
clearly that the Lord did appear, did He not? Ah for forty days,
isn't that right? And the, and the, and the Scriptures says he, he, he
even, he even appeared to Paul. Now we are always thinking, well Jesus
can't really preach, preach the Gospel. Who told you that? He was the first
one to preach the Gospel. In fact He is the one who came to Paul
and said, Paul, I am Jesus. He, He didn't send no angel to do that
job. He did it Himself. If Jesus revealed Himself to Paul, why not reveal
Himself to a lot more than just Paul? And He is doing it!
The reason
the Lord had to appear to Paul is because He knew Paul wouldn't listen
to nobody else. Now in the case of Cornelius, the angel said send for Peter,
'cause, because Cornelius was, was ready, his heart was right, he'd been
in prayer. But here's Paul killing everybody, causing 'em to blaspheme,
Jesus said this man won't even listen to an angel, so I'll go do the job
myself. So He went and knocked him right off his horse and preached the
Gospel to him. He's doing the same thing today in the Muslim world. He's
appearing, hear this, He is appearing to Muslims, saying
I am Jesus of Nazareth! And they're coming to know the Lord! Why are those
things happening? It's the last days! Saints, this is why we need to give
to the Gospel now more than ever. You know naively say well I gave
last year. Forget it! Last year it's gone! That cycle is over with! Seed
time - harvest of last year is gone. Every season is a fresh season. We
are in a fresh season."
- Benny Hinn, April 2nd, 2000
Benny Hinn claims: Jesus will appear physically in Nairobi, Kenya!
benny-hinn.wav (1.85 MB - © April 2nd, 2000 by TBN). Here is a transcript of this clip:
"The hour is urgent. Many of you have known me for many years.
But I am telling you right now, things I haven't said years 'n years 'n
years ago. I believe - here this, hear this! I believe, that Jesus,
God's Son, is about to appear physically, in meetings and to believers
around the world, to wake us up! He appeared after His resurrection
and He is about to appear before His second coming! You know a prophetess
sent me a word through my wife, right here, and she said 'Tell your husband
that Jesus is go'n to physically appear in his meetings.' I am expecting
to see, I am telling you that - I feel it's going to happen. I, I, I'm,
I'm careful in how I am saying it now, because I know the people in Kenya
are listening. I know deep in my soul, something supernatural is
going to happen in Nai - in Nairobi Kenya. I feel that. I may very
well come back, and you and Jan are coming, to - Paul and Jan are coming
to Nairobi with me, but Paul, we may very well come back with footage
of Jesus on the platform! You know that the Lord appeared in Romania
recently, and there's a video of it? Where the Lord appeared in the back
of a church and you see him on video walking down the isle? Yeah! Paul
do you remember when I came on TBN years ago and showed you a clip of the
Lord appearing in our church in Orlando, on the balcony on the wall? Yeah.
You, you remember that? [Paul Crouch] Very well, I saw it! [Benny Hinn]
That was '80, 80 something, '86, what - whatever. You know I always wondered
why the Lord, why did He do that? Do you know why, now I look back? That
was the beginning of the greatest move of God in our church. Because '83,
'84, and '85 were horrible years for me, horrible years. Eighty-six the
blessings of God began, but they began with a - with this manifestation
of the Lord's face on, on the balcony, that stayed for eight weeks. Eight
solid weeks! The Lord has done this in the past, but He is about to
do it again, now hear this, I am prophesying this! Jesus Christ,
the Son of God, is about to appear physically in some churches,
and some meetings, and to many of His people, for one reason - to tell
you He is about to show up! To Wake Up! Jesus is coming saints!"
- Benny Hinn, April 2nd, 2000
Benny Hinn claims: Jesus will appear "physically" on the platform with him.
Benny repeated his claim that Jesus will be appearing physically at his crusade(s) about 10 minutes into the program on his
"This is your day" program dated April 20th, 2000 (Real Video). Thousands of people will allegedly see Jesus physically on the stage! Here is a transcript of the relevant portion:
"Ruth Heflin:
the Lord spoke to her recently, and she called my wife and told her to
tell me, that Jesus said to her, that He will appear physically
on the platform in one of our crusades. She said, 'Tell Benny, that the
Lord told me, that He is going to appear physically, on the
platform, and the crowds will see Him, on the platform.' Dear
God my hair is standing up!" It may very well happen in Nashville!
... Think, think about what's going to happen when the people, thousands,
she said thousands will see the Lord on the, on the, on the
platform! Lord may it happen in every crusade this year in Jesus mighty
- Benny Hinn, April 20th, 2000
Benny Hinn claims: Jesus will "visibly" appear in on of his crusades!
At the beginning of the program, Benny again repeated his belief that Jesus would appear physically at the Nairobi Crusade, and that He is now appearing to Muslims in his
"This is your day" program dated April 21st, 2000 (Real Video). Here is a transcript of a portion of that program:
"You know, yesterday on the program I was telling you and the audience
here that Ruth Heflin,
the prophetess, had sent me a word from the Lord, where she said that the
Lord had spoken to her clearly, that, a, for me to prepare myself, for
the Lord is going to visibly appear, on the platform, in
one of our crusades. I pray it'll happen in every crusade. But I have a
feeling, I am just telling you honestly, I have even told some of our staff,
when I go to Kenya, I am going to Kenya in just a few days from now, a
people will be in Kenya, Nairobi. I feel in my being it is going
to happen there. So pray for us as we go to Kenya. I pray it will happen
at the good Friday service in Nashville. I pray it will happen in every
- Benny Hinn, April 21st, 2000
Benny Hinn claims: Jesus appeared to a whole crowd in Africa!
Again Benny repeats that Jesus will physically appear at his crusades on the
"This is your day" program dated May 2nd, 2000. (Real Video, see six minutes into the program - programs are recorded 3 weeks in advance, so this program was recorded before the Nairobi Crusade.) Here is a transcript of the relevant portion:
"And I know, that I know, that I know, we are about to see the greatest
manifestations of God's presence ever! A prophetess named Ruth
Heflin sent me a word recently and told me to get ready, to see,
physical manifestations of Christ on the platforms in our crusades,
that people will have visions of the Lord in the meetings. Those
things have happened in the past, I know. In a Thialagua (spelling?) meeting
one time in Africa, the Lord appeared to a - to the whole crowd!
It is about to begin happening, I know it too! Expect it, to happen also,
in your own home!"
- Benny Hinn, May 2nd, 2000
Benny Hinn claims: Ruth Heflin got an "audible" from the Lord.Here is an audio clip
29MARCH-CLIP1.WAV (637 KB - © March 2000 by Benny Hinn Ministries) from the "This Is Your Day" program of March 29th, 2000, when Benny apparently first announced that Jesus would appear at his meetings. This occurred about 10 minutes into the program.
The RealVideo of this program is still available from Benny Hinn's web site, but may be removed at any time, since his site no longer lists it:.
"This is your day" program dated March 29th, 2000.
Here is a transcript of the clip:
"Let me tell you something. The Holy Spirit has already told me He
is about to show up. And you know, oh, I gotta tell you this quickly, just
before we go. I had a word of prophecy from Ruth
Heflin, you know who Ruth Heflin is? Ruth prophesied over me back in
the seventies and everything she said has happened. She just sent me a
word through my wife and said the Lord spoke to her audibly and said that
He is going to appear physically in one of our crusades in the next
few months. Yeah, she - I'm telling ya - she said, the Lord spoke to her
audibly and said, 'Tell Benny I'm going to appear physically on the platform
in his meetings'. Lord, do it in Phoenix Arizona in the name of Jesus!
And in Kenya too, Lord, please, Lord, in fact, do it in every crusade.
In Jesus' name."
- Benny Hinn, March 29th, 2000
Given this information, I was sent this poster on 5/7/00. My thoughts exactly!